What is sure to be asked Everyone who was looking for work was faced with standard questions. It is easy to prepare answers to them in advance - and for the employer this is the main minus, because many candidates are cunning to please the interviewer. However, these questions are often continued to be used. We talked about such issues in more detail here, below we list short tips. - "Tell us about yourself" . There are no secrets here: tell in chronological order how you chose an educational institution and studied, what work experience you gained after and what personal qualities help you develop. Imagine your experience as a professional story, logical, coherent and short, no longer than three minutes. It's easy to rehearse at home just in case. What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Remember the job description. What qualities will help in the performance of this work, and which, on the contrary, will interfere? The Internet is replete with tips on how to answ...